
Francesco Branda is an Adjunct professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. His research interests are diverse, spanning various domains such as data analytics, epidemic intelligence systems, and public health risk studies. To address these questions, he developed novel methods that combine techniques from mathematical modelling, and statistical inference (including AI and Machine Learning). His work focuses to epidemiological and statistical consulting in hospital settings, applying statistical and molecular methods in clinical settings, and analyzing climate-sensitive diseases like Dengue and Chikungunya and outbreaks and pandemics such as SARS-CoV-2, Mpox, and Ebola.


  • PhD in Information and Communication Technologies, 2023

    University of Calabria

  • M.Sc. in Computer Engineering, 2019

    University of Calabria

  • B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, 2016

    University of Calabria


Severe parvovirus B19 infections in the immunocompetent population

Oropouche virus presenting in Italy after travel to Cuba

The Efficacy of CO2 Vaginal Laser in the Treatment of Recurrent, Post-Coital and Interstitial Cystitis: A Multicentric Prospective Study

Background: This multicentric prospective study was carried out at Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio Medico and Ospedale …

Insights into avian influenza A(H5N1) events: epidemiological patterns and genetic analysis


La Dengue a casa nostra: la mappa del virus

Il cambiamento climatico apre le porte alle malattie tropicali. Per la prima volta un report ci mette a disposizione e incrocia i dati epidemiologici, climatici e geografici degli ultimi anni. Per monitorare la trasmissione del virus della Dengue. E capire cosa possiamo fare per difenderci
La Dengue a casa nostra: la mappa del virus

The beauty of (open) data will save public global health

How many of us can remember our friends’ phone numbers, how many can keep in mind all the passwords to access each device? It is not just due to a lack of training if we cannot remember everything, but because we live in a highly data-driven world. Every day we are immersed by information in the form of data, we ourselves are turned into information where we browse online to buy something, express our preferences, search for the next vacation destination. The world has changed since it became possible to translate it into bits and transfer it to hardware.
The beauty of (open) data will save public global health

Is climate change causing a resurgence in infectious diseases?

The clock is ticking to restore our relationship with nature to one that is mutually beneficial, not detrimental to our existence
Is climate change causing a resurgence in infectious diseases?

Una mentalità data-driven per rispondere alle pandemie

Il progetto pilota del portale open source di sorveglianza epidemiologica cerca di rispondere alla sfida del rilascio e mantenimento dei dati open, sviluppando una rete sempre più numerosa di esperti. L’obiettivo è condividere e valorizzare i dati in un’ottica One Health, basandosi sulla collaborazione intersettoriale per supportare il rilevamento, il monitoraggio e la valutazione del rischio per le malattie infettive emergenti e riemergenti in Europa.
Una mentalità data-driven per rispondere alle pandemie