
Francesco Branda is an Adjunct professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. His research interests are diverse, spanning various domains such as data analytics, epidemic intelligence systems, and public health risk studies. To address these questions, he developed novel methods that combine techniques from mathematical modelling, and statistical inference (including AI and Machine Learning). His work focuses to epidemiological and statistical consulting in hospital settings, applying statistical and molecular methods in clinical settings, and analyzing climate-sensitive diseases like Dengue and Chikungunya and outbreaks and pandemics such as SARS-CoV-2, Mpox, and Ebola.


  • PhD in Information and Communication Technologies, 2023

    University of Calabria

  • M.Sc. in Computer Engineering, 2019

    University of Calabria

  • B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, 2016

    University of Calabria


Retrospective Analysis of R-COMP Therapy in Patients with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL): Assessing the Impact of Sample Selection Bias

Background:Retrospective studies are often criticized for their susceptibility to case selection bias compared to prospective studies, …

Nipah Virus: A Zoonotic Threat Re-Emerging in the Wake of Global Public Health Challenges

The re-emergence of the Nipah virus (NiV) in Kerala, India, following the tragic death of a 14-year-old boy, underscores the persistent …

Helminthiasis and mpox vaccination: challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa

The ongoing mpox outbreak in sub-Saharan Africa has highlighted the critical need for equitable vaccine access and robust logistical …

Effective control of parasitic diseases through local narratives: Lessons from Thailand and Laos

Monitoring measles infections using flight passenger dynamics in Europe: A data-driven approach

This paper presents an open-access repository collecting information on measles virus infections and flight passenger movements in …


Solidarietà e resilienza: l'insegnamento delle pandemie

L’epidemia di mpox in Africa e la pandemia di Covid-19 hanno messo in luce le disuguaglianze nei sistemi sanitari globali e la vulnerabilità delle popolazioni emarginate. Sebbene diverse per natura, entrambe le crisi dimostrano l’importanza di risposte comunitarie, di una distribuzione equa delle risorse e di investimenti a lungo termine nei sistemi sanitari.
Solidarietà e resilienza: l'insegnamento delle pandemie

Animali, quali soluzioni per la peste suina africana?

Ospiti dello “Speciale Teleambiente” dedicato alla peste suina africana Francesco Branda, ricercatore dell’Università Campus Biomedico di Roma, e Lorenza Bianchi, Responsabile Area Transizione Alimentare della Lega Antivivisezione (LAV).
Animali, quali soluzioni per la peste suina africana?

La Dengue a casa nostra: la mappa del virus

Il cambiamento climatico apre le porte alle malattie tropicali. Per la prima volta un report ci mette a disposizione e incrocia i dati epidemiologici, climatici e geografici degli ultimi anni. Per monitorare la trasmissione del virus della Dengue. E capire cosa possiamo fare per difenderci
La Dengue a casa nostra: la mappa del virus